Friday, December 5, 2008

4th of April, 2008 (Friday)

So yesterday I stayied home cause I wasn't called to any new school, and thank god because my kidneys hurted ! I stayied in and watched tv, very interessing xD!
But today I'm really happy!! =)
I've finally made a friend! lol
And not just anyone... Jin! lol Jin is one of the gosiwon employees, the one who said hello to me =) and sidenote... he is so cute!! He is really nice and has a great senseof humour! Plus, he speaks english and has a really pretty smile =)
We just spent an hour or so outside, in the gosiwon's downstairs backdoor, talking and smoking xD
Next year he will go to Portugal yay! we hi5'd eachother... xD xD
I'm really happy! =)
And he also allowed me to use the gosiwon's reception computer, so I checked my emails...Man my friends are the best!! I miss them all!! So much... =X
Oh yeah, Jin has my cellphone number and wants my portuguese adress, =)
Making friends and mingle is exactly what I need to forget about "him" and hang in here =) NICE!

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